воскресенье, 4 ноября 2012 г.

Russian prank calls - humor with a twist

Well, I have originaly devoted this blog to dull things like business, customs, sales and other things. Tonight I am taking a break and writing an article about prank calls in Russia. I hope that this article of mine may provide some insigt into the Russian culture and perharps would allow to understand us, Russians better.

Russian prank callers may or may not be part of a large internet-based subculture. If they are, they may join one of several groups, centered around particular leaders and often theme websites. The history of Russian prank calling began in the late 1980's when a cassete with records of conversations with an old man started flowing from hand to hand between Moscow's young men. The old man sure was a hard man for his voice was charismatic, full of special terms and very, very addictive. "You are all under the glass cap. We are watching your every step. There are serious people from the Spetsnaz watching your every step"... so he adressed the caller. The man, who is still alive hasbeen named "Ded IVZ" - "Information-Detection-Center old man". He remains an icon to this day.

Currently, the culture of prank callers is complex and quite different from, say, American jokers. Russian pranks involve long-lasting relations over the phone. The person recieving the calls is often referred to as "The victim" and the term may not be too far from accurate. Russian prankers are in constant search for "victims" who would last for several months or even years. This almost certainly means either mental problems or worst cases of human vanity, often found in TV-stars. There has been a case of a third-rate tv persona gaining publicity by becoming a renowned prank victim.

The most famous prank victims include:

- TV and movie stars. There used to be a prank website, dedicated to harassing famous Russians by phone. Some were involved in 20-40 conversations long stories.

- True "victims". One old lady with issues defined the callers as the company of the son of the local school principal, who "sells drugs and practices sodomy" and carried on cursing every caller viciously for 5 full years.
An old doctor with a prison term for illegal abortions behind his back was lured into believing he was being pressed by an old colleague of his. Threats, curses and often clever definitions lasted for a full year. As he began to turn the phone off, pizza delivery services, household moving companies, prostitutes and vets were sent to his doors to get the old man angry.

One particular trend in the Russian prank is dedicated to annoying officials. Police departments and especially the Army's recruiting offices often get pranked.

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